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r8744 - What is the meaning of that 'if' !?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 07:26
by Kaspy

The package always sent, regardless of that "if".
So what would be the purpose of it? Or the first "$messageSender" what's wrong?

Re: r8744 - What is the meaning of that 'if' !?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 10:47
by iMikeLance
Download other official server than bRO, sniff all the sent packets after maplogin and if they are sent by all servers like bRO do you can remove those "if".

Re: r8744 - What is the meaning of that 'if' !?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 18:49
by Kaspy
Just letting you know that I can not perform these tests.
The home computer does not have the minimum requirentos to run the official clients.

If anyone wants to collaborate, make the result and post it here.

However, the current way the code is written, with 2x bRO will send the package. Not being bRO, send 1x.
Apparently, it's weird.

Re: r8744 - What is the meaning of that 'if' !?

Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 20:35
by iMikeLance
KeplerBR wrote:However, the current way the code is written, with 2x bRO will send the package. Not being bRO, send 1x.
Apparently, it's weird.
It's sending those packets just like bRO does. Testes it while I was fixing xkore2/poseidon.