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Auto-Storage help!

Posted: 30 Mar 2014, 19:59
by goldprime
I play on Iro Classic, and when I get overweight when botting (I am currently at Hodes/Frilldoras) instead of heading to Morocc to autostorage; he will get to the portal of Moc_fild15 and moc_fild16 and just constantly switch maps, and never get to Morocc to store the items. What can I do to fix this?

Re: Auto-Storage help!

Posted: 31 Mar 2014, 13:14
by otaku
You can configure your routing weights so your bot will try to get to the Kafra through other portal.

If you put a high routing weight on moc_fild16, Kore will probably take the route through moc_fild11 -> moc_fild12 -> morocc.

* Though it could be something else. You post your control/config.txt file (excluding your personal information)