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How do I know Packets' meaning?

Posted: 01 Jun 2013, 14:55
by Plu3m
Hi guys :D ,
I'm very nooby here and I have some problems with my Xkore1 bot that is
Packet parcer: Unknow switch: xxxx but noone answers my post yet

I read many threads about this error but my Unknown Packets is 044A, 08C9 and 08CA
I haven't found any threads about these 3 unknown packets
so I tried to fix it myself but I'm just a little nooby guy who don't know even programming language
or something like that

If I want to find the packets' meaning and mannually add them in src folder What is the first step I should try?

All I have already known now is Packet parcer: Unknow switch: xxxx is the problem that
when server send the packet and Openkore doesn't know that so this error will be shown.
and this error might relate to these file : src\Network\ and recvpackets.txt (If i don't misunderstand)
If i correctly understand this,
How can I do in order to know these packets meaning and the ways to edit the files that relate to these error to fix the problem?

Many threads in this forum say that the ways to fix this error are something like
-Please Update your Openkore lol <--- no change
-Try to create your new recvpackets.txt with packet extractor v.3 <--- I have already done this but still the same
-Check your serverType, charBlockSize, ... <--- I think i set it correctly...

Lastly, I know a little bit about programmes that can give me Packets send from server like WPE or Wireshark
Can I use these to identify the unknown packets above?

sorry for my bad English, and my server that I have this error is new server on tRO [Thailand]
Thanks for your guide ! :D


Re: How do I know Packets' meaning?

Posted: 01 Jun 2013, 18:53
by Kaspy
Researched the brAthena emulator and found the following result:
  • 044A

    Code: Select all

    /// req world info (CZ_CLIENT_VERSION)
    /// 044A <version>.L
    void clif_parse_client_version(int fd,struct map_session_data *sd){

    Code: Select all

    #if PACKETVER >= 20130320
    This packet seems to send the client some version. What would be and for what? No idea, but I believe that it does not disturb the main functions of OpenKore.
  • 08C9

    Code: Select all

    #if PACKETVER >= 20110718
    Packet regarding buying cash items. Does not disturb the main functions of OpenKore
  • 08CA

    Code: Select all

    void clif_parse_CashShopSchedule(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
    		WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x8ca;
    The same above case

Thanks for the warning

Re: How do I know Packets' meaning?

Posted: 01 Jun 2013, 23:42
by Plu3m
KeplerBR wrote:Researched the brAthena emulator and enontrei the following result:
  • 044A

    Code: Select all

    /// req world info (CZ_CLIENT_VERSION)
    /// 044A <version>.L
    void clif_parse_client_version(int fd,struct map_session_data *sd){

    Code: Select all

    #if PACKETVER >= 20130320
    This packet seems to send the client some version. What would be and for what? No idea, but I believe that it does not disturb the main functions of OpenKore.
  • 08C9

    Code: Select all

    #if PACKETVER >= 20110718
    Packet regarding buying cash items. Does not disturb the main functions of OpenKore
  • 08CA

    Code: Select all

    void clif_parse_CashShopSchedule(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
    		WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x8ca;
    The same above case

Thanks for the warning
Thanks for your replies,
I forgot to tell what the problems that my bot have--
I bot on Xkore1 mode, I can log in and select a character then after
access to the main game interface but around 2 seconds after that the game goes freeze, I can do nothing
just only a mouse drag and in Openkore console says the Packet unknown switch error
Openkore isn't forced to close, it can go on run but the game has already hang.

I have some questions about your given information-- How can I apply them to my Openkore?.
Refer to your reply if those 3 Unknown Packets don't have an effect to the bot
so my bot could be run perfectly, but I still have the noticed error
or my bot setting are wrong?

Re: How do I know Packets' meaning?

Posted: 26 Jun 2013, 22:50
by rudsoi20kub
KeplerBR wrote:Researched the brAthena emulator and found the following result:
  • 044A

    Code: Select all

    /// req world info (CZ_CLIENT_VERSION)
    /// 044A <version>.L
    void clif_parse_client_version(int fd,struct map_session_data *sd){

    Code: Select all

    #if PACKETVER >= 20130320
    This packet seems to send the client some version. What would be and for what? No idea, but I believe that it does not disturb the main functions of OpenKore.
  • 08C9

    Code: Select all

    #if PACKETVER >= 20110718
    Packet regarding buying cash items. Does not disturb the main functions of OpenKore
  • 08CA

    Code: Select all

    void clif_parse_CashShopSchedule(int fd, struct map_session_data *sd) {
    		WFIFOW(fd, 0) = 0x8ca;
    The same above case

Thanks for the warning

Do not know that you would come to this. I had to go straight to the solution of the OPK I got into the src \ Network. But you can not say that I trust not. Please help me.

Thanks and sorry about the language.