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Re: R8077 Version 2.1: Packet Parser: Unkown switch: 08C8 spamed

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 17:29
by SolumPravus
Updated using tortise (read the manual on the wiki to learn how), works without a hitch. Thank you mysterious fixer of broken things, whoever you may be.

Re: R8077 Version 2.1: Packet Parser: Unkown switch: 08C8 spamed

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 17:40
by guytwo
Onigami wrote:Updated my folders again via TortoiseSVN and everything seems to be working seamlessly now. No more errors while sitting or in combat. So just a heads up, try and update your folders again and see if that fixes the issue for you.
When I try to run autoupdate or wxautoupdate, I get the following error:

Code: Select all

-===================== OpenKore Auto Update tool =====================-
Checking OpenKore core files for updates...Unable to do svn status "C:/Documents
 and Settings/server/Desktop/openkore_ready/home/openkore/svnsnapshots/openkore_
svn: E155036: Please see the 'svn upgrade' command
svn: E155036: Working copy 'C:\Documents and Settings\server\Desktop\openkore_re
ady\home\openkore\svnsnapshots\openkore_ready' is too old (format 10, created by
 Subversion 1.6)
 at C:/Documents and Settings/server/Desktop/openkore_ready/home/openkore/svnsna
pshots/openkore_ready/src/deps/SVN/ line 19
        SVN::Updater::_svn_command('SVN::Updater=HASH(0x25a829c)', 'status') cal
led at C:/Documents and Settings/server/Desktop/openkore_ready/home/openkore/svn
snapshots/openkore_ready/src/deps/SVN/ line 25
        SVN::Updater::_load_status('SVN::Updater=HASH(0x25a829c)') called at C:/
Documents and Settings/server/Desktop/openkore_ready/home/openkore/svnsnapshots/
openkore_ready/src/deps/SVN/ line 42
        SVN::Updater::load('SVN::Updater', 'HASH(0x25a831c)') called at autoupda line 41
        autoupdate::upgrade('C:/Documents and Settings/server/Desktop/openkore_r
eady/home/...', 'OpenKore core files') called at line 56
        require called at line 134
        main::__ANON__('') called at perlapp line 919
        PerlApp::my_require(undef, undef) called at line 134

Press ENTER to exit.
What am I doing wrong? I am using Collabnet SVN.

Re: R8077 Version 2.1: Packet Parser: Unkown switch: 08C8 spamed

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 18:13
by sickgaming
i got a new recvpackets.txt out of my ragexe.exe but it still dont work. can anyone please explain us what we should do now :)
i am new to botting and dont know how the SVN update work.

Re: R8077 Version 2.1: Packet Parser: Unkown switch: 08C8 spamed

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 18:53
by balakadut
for those who still confuse

download the software here...

and follow this guide:

just right click on your openkore folder and choose svn update

Re: R8077 Version 2.1: Packet Parser: Unkown switch: 08C8 spamed

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 20:32
by jackyan
kLabMouse wrote:God Damn.
People. You could at least Capture Some packets.
That made me laugh so hard...

But anyways I believe the problem is fixed now...

(It appears the community is more active than one would expect, but only when their bots stop working...)

Re: R8077 Version 2.1: Packet Parser: Unkown switch: 08C8 spamed

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 20:37
by kLabMouse
jackyan wrote:
kLabMouse wrote:God Damn.
People. You could at least Capture Some packets.
That made me laugh so hard...

But anyways I believe the problem is fixed now...

(It appears the community is more active than one would expect, but only when their bots stop working...)
That's True! So True!

Re: R8077 Version 2.1: Packet Parser: Unkown switch: 08C8 spamed

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 21:19
by towerwarlock
Well. I do not care what the spammers say, but to those who solved the problem and provided the solution. I at least will offer my thanks.

Re: R8077 Version 2.1: Packet Parser: Unkown switch: 08C8 spamed

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 21:25
by Onigami
Updating via TortoiseSVN, I simply installed it, right clicked on my folder (I use Win7 x86 version) and clicked SVN Checkout, then let it auto update, I didn't have to put in any web browsers, it already had them logged. After, I right clicked the folder once it was done with that, and clicked "Update".

I forgot the entire steps, but all I did was click to update and it worked its magic, the manual and the sites people show should provide enough direction.

NOTE: I also tried the Perl and some other SVN server updates, they didn't work as smoothly as TortoiseSVN, so I recommend that for people having issues updating using something else.

Cheers, and happy botting!

Re: R8077 Version 2.1: Packet Parser: Unkown switch: 08C8 spamed

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 22:55
by Nroo
Hi!, i update all of my folder whit tortoise svn but i still have the same problem "You attack monster unknown #xxxxx" and "player unknow has casted xxxx skill of himself" and the f***ing problem of "packet parser -u are sitting again" endless. help me please D:

Re: R8077 Version 2.1: Packet Parser: Unkown switch: 08C8 spamed

Posted: 09 Aug 2012, 23:08
by Black-Briar
:P can anyone upload the new folder(Openkore) for this error? my pc could not run the tortoisesvn due to that mine was windowXP SP2, which the 32bit requires at least SP3. and 64bit is totally out of my league... it would be very much appreciated if anyone could kindly help out~ thanks