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Slave BOT errors when it lose its master

Posted: 06 May 2011, 03:17
by trojanskie
OpenKore version what-will-become-2.1
@ai_seq = follow
Network state = 5
Network handler = Network::DirectConnection
SVN revision: 7694
No loaded plugins.

Error message:
Invalid arguments.

Stack trace:
Trace begun at src\Task\ line 76
Task::Move::new('Task::Move', 'actor', 'Actor::You=HASH(0x3b4a48c)', 'x', undef, 'y', undef) called at src\ line 522
Actor::move('Actor::You=HASH(0x3b4a48c)', undef, undef) called at src\AI\ line 2139
AI::CoreLogic::processFollow at src\AI\ line 152
AI::CoreLogic::iterate at src\ line 744
main::mainLoop_initialized at src\ line 69
main::mainLoop at src\ line 75
Interface::mainLoop('Interface::Console::Win32=HASH(0x197d994)') called at line 97
main::__start at line 136

Died at this line:

* unless ($args{actor}->isa('Actor') and $args{x} != 0 and $args{y} != 0) {
ArgumentException->throw(error => "Invalid arguments.");


Re: Slave BOT errors when it lose its master

Posted: 06 May 2011, 07:58
by EternalHarvest
trojanskie wrote: SVN revision: 7694
Fixed already, read FAQ before posting.