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The problem gathering the loot.

Posted: 08 Feb 2012, 18:47
by Morozoff
Note: I have very bad English, sorry for the following))

Help set up a bot to loot he gathered in Moscovia. I read a recent topic, but did not find suitable. = (I suffer a few days ..

All I did was changed:
ai_take_giveup 5;
ai_items_gather_giveup 5.
itemsTakeAuto 2;
itemsGatherAuto 2.
all 0
Stem 2
Blue Herb 2
Sharp Leaf 1
I need to get he gathered just above the loot, and never stopped trying to gather until the loot will not be matched. And all that I have, this is only the following messages in the chat (may differ slightly because Russian clients openkore):
'you're trying to go too long',
'failed to collect the item: target is lost',
Kore just skips most of the loot, passing, or just standing.

Please help! Or show ready to Fail, if such you have =)
I would be very grateful, believe me!: D