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Inventory empty?

Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 09:06
by Oinquer
hi everyone,
I have been botting in here but i noticed that everytime i died, or relog my inventory shows has empty...but i have item in it...
if i pick up an item, it will show in inventory untill i die or relog...
anyone knows what it is?

installing svn to try an update now, but dont really know....

Re: Inventory empty?

Posted: 16 Jan 2013, 13:31
by no_clue
Hey, i had the same problem, but then i followed some instructions and downgraded the OK version. (It fixed the bug)
(Now I updated OK to the latest version and i do not have this inventory bug anymore)
So probably updating your core could help.

This Thread deals also with the problem:
Have a look at it, there are more solutions. And there was a post with instructions on how to "downgrade" open kore.