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bRO bugs after last patch and how to solve.

Posted: 09 Feb 2011, 19:06
by Sugoi
Well, last update on bRO changed the login, adding some encryption. I dunno how to integrate the changes on the code using the right way, to solve i did this:

On /src/netword/send/ delete the sub sendMasterLogin and add the content from fRO. I tried using fRO serverType but some stuff got messed and this is better.

The code is

Code: Select all

sub version {
return $masterServer->{version} || 1;

sub sendClientMD5Hash {
my ($self) = @_;
my $msg = pack('v H32', 0x0204, $masterServer->{clientHash});

# 0x02b0,85
sub sendMasterLogin {
my ($self, $username, $password, $master_version, $version) = @_;
# Little Hack by 'Technology'
$self->sendClientMD5Hash() if ($masterServer->{clientHash} != '');
my $key = pack('C24', (6, 169, 33, 64, 54, 184, 161, 91, 81, 46, 3, 213, 52, 18, 0, 6, 61, 175, 186, 66, 157, 158, 180, 48));
my $chain = pack('C24', (61, 175, 186, 66, 157, 158, 180, 48, 180, 34, 218, 128, 44, 159, 172, 65, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 128));
my $in = pack('a24', $password);
my $rijndael = Utils::Rijndael->new();
$rijndael->MakeKey($key, $chain, 24, 24);
$password = $rijndael->Encrypt($in, undef, 24, 0);
# To get out local IP of our connection we need: $self->{net}->{remote_socket}->sockhost();
my $ip = "3139322e3136382e322e3400685f4c40";
# To get the MAC we need to use Net::ARPing or Net::Address::Ethernet or even Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper, that are not bundeled in Win Distro.
my $mac = "31313131313131313131313100"; # May-be Get it from Network Connection?
my $isGravityID = 0;
my $msg = pack('v V a24 a24 C H32 H26 C', 0x02B0, version(), $username, $password, $master_version, $ip, $mac, $isGravityID);
After being able to connect i got a lot of erros about actors, but this was happening only on Odin, Thor was ok. Checking the src/receive folder i saw that there is 2 bRO files and one is only for the thor server, i got the code from thor and just pasted inside the, problem solved. Here is the code:

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sub new {
	my ($class) = @_;
	my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
	my %packets = (
		'0078' => ['actor_display',	'C a4 v14 a4 a2 v2 C2 a3 C3 v',				[qw(object_type ID walk_speed opt1 opt2 option type hair_style weapon lowhead shield tophead midhead hair_color clothes_color head_dir guildID emblemID manner opt3 karma sex coords unknown1 unknown2 act lv)]], # 55 # standing
		'007C' => ['actor_display',	'C a4 v14 C2 a3 C2',						[qw(object_type ID walk_speed opt1 opt2 option hair_style weapon lowhead type shield tophead midhead hair_color clothes_color head_dir karma sex coords unknown1 unknown2)]], # 42 # spawning 
		'022C' => ['actor_display', 'C a4 v3 V v5 V v5 a4 a2 v V C2 a6 C2 v',	[qw(object_type ID walk_speed opt1 opt2 option type hair_style weapon shield lowhead tick tophead midhead hair_color clothes_color head_dir guildID emblemID manner opt3 karma sex coords unknown1 unknown2 lv)]], # 65 # walking 

	foreach my $switch (keys %packets) {
		$self->{packet_list}{$switch} = $packets{$switch};

	return $self;
Also, im getting this on any kind of map change: Unknown stat (130 => 28) received for You

Re: bRO bugs after last patch and how to solve.

Posted: 11 Feb 2011, 19:20
by Sugoi
No need to fix this now.

bRO will be update to the Renewal monday, the server will be down for 3 days and everything will change again.