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Autobuy doesn't start independent of autostorage

Posted: 16 Feb 2011, 15:43
by NuttyNinja
Hey everyone,

My problem is that the autobuy sequence never starts, unless my character has already done an autostorage sequence. From what I understand, using the buyAuto blocks should make kore start an autobuy sequence immediately once the limits are reached, but this doesn't seem to happen. Here's some of my config.txt:

Code: Select all

buyAuto Arrow {
	minAmount 50
	maxAmount 1000
	npc payon 159 96		#Payon
	distance 5
	passive 0

buyAuto Red Potion {
	minAmount 20
	maxAmount 50
	npc payon 159 96		#Payon
	distance 5
	passive 0

sellAuto 1
sellAuto_npc payon 159 96		#Payon
sellAuto_distance 5

storageAuto 1
storageAuto_npc payon 181 104		#Payon
storageAuto_distance 5
storageAuto_npc_type 3
storageAuto_npc_steps c r0 n
storageAuto_keepOpen 0
relogAfterStorage 1
minStorageZeny 60
Is there something I setup wrong, or does autobuy never start by itself, even with buyAuto blocks defined? If it's the second case, what would you recommed I use for a similar function? Automacro?

Re: Autobuy doesn't start independent of autostorage

Posted: 26 Feb 2011, 12:16
by EternalHarvest
Works for me:

Code: Select all

buyAuto Orange Potion {
	maxAmount 100
	minAmount 64
	npc ...
	distance 6
	zeny > 5000
You used Item: Orange Potion (20) x 1 - 64 left
You used Item: Orange Potion (20) x 1 - 63 left
Auto-buy: Orange Potion
Calculating auto-buy route to: ...

Re: Autobuy doesn't start independent of autostorage

Posted: 11 Sep 2013, 09:44
by Yamashita Ren
I have the same problem on fRO.
Openkore autobuy arrows ONLY after an autostorage sequence.
Since there isn't the "You used Item ..." sentence in the client, maybe it doesn't work with ammunitions (I haven't tested it with other items) ...

edit :
Here is a macro solving the problem

Code: Select all

automacro getArrows {
   hook target_died
   exclusive 1
   call {
   $arrow = @invamount (Arrow)
   if ($arrow < 150) call AutobuyArrows
macro AutobuyArrows {
do autobuy