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Cannot move on sec_pri using map interface

Posted: 23 May 2011, 23:14
by Zolom7
I tried to solve this my own way, I dont like to post in the forum until I have researched a bit, but currently I dont know where else I can investigate.

Ok the original problem was, I was sent to sec_pri, and I was placed on a blank place that didnt appear in the map


I was told to move around, but it was not possible to move in any way.

What I did was, extract the .gat to make a new .fld of sec_pri, and yeah, the new cell was now visible on the map


But still, it was not possible for me to move thru openkore! in fact, I tried the 'look' command to change facing direction, and it wasnt working either!

If I log on in the game I can move normally, but obviously GMs know im closing openkore to log into the game.

So any hint of how could I solve this situation?

Re: Cannot move on sec_pri using map interface

Posted: 24 May 2011, 05:35
by EternalHarvest
Remove sec_pri.dist (generated from old sec_pri.fld).

Also, please upload new sec_pri.fld.

Re: Cannot move on sec_pri using map interface

Posted: 24 May 2011, 14:54
by Daedalus
Sidequestion: Wouldn't it be better to make sec_pri completely "walkable" so they can't just create new rooms and spaces?

Re: Cannot move on sec_pri using map interface

Posted: 24 May 2011, 17:49
by EternalHarvest
Daedalus wrote:Sidequestion: Wouldn't it be better to make sec_pri completely "walkable" so they can't just create new rooms and spaces?
Why you're not suggesting that for all maps? Routing wouldn't work. You can just inspect all client patches for your server for changed maps instead.

Re: Cannot move on sec_pri using map interface

Posted: 24 May 2011, 19:55
by Zolom7
but I think something else is going on, because I could sit, but I couldnt change facing direction of my char

Re: Cannot move on sec_pri using map interface

Posted: 26 May 2011, 16:02
by Daedalus
EternalHarvest wrote:Why you're not suggesting that for all maps? Routing wouldn't work. You can just inspect all client patches for your server for changed maps instead.
Currently this _ONE_ map can be changed in any small update every week's maintenance with a rather small change which is barely noticeable and which makes it impossible for the bot to sustain a test at all. Making all squares "walkable" (as far as I know every square is flagged as walkable, non walkable, water etc) for the core would make it at least possible to move west/south/north/east in the usual test rooms which ultimately would make it at least possible to pass a simple walk test instead of instantly fail.

You don't have to manoevur around walls or stuff so general routing like on normal maps is totally not of any interest so far but you could move a bit which ultimately also temporary solves his problem unless they come up with another sort of test, which they probably will but in the end it is always just a race against them.

I understand, that you are probably fed up with people that express suggestions they don't have a clue about but I gathered as much intel as I could and my suggestion isn't that bad but your sarcasm is, unless you don't care about having leechers in which case you as a team shouldn't complain about them and your manners are totally fine. :)

If any of my statements is wrong, please feel free to correct me, it's all I could find.

Re: Cannot move on sec_pri using map interface

Posted: 27 May 2011, 11:48
by EternalHarvest
Well, there isn't anything wrong if you want to use completely walkable map for prison, if you have your reasons.

There's example script for changing fld files into completely walkable ones, with previously unwalkable cells marked as walkable water for visibility (takes fld file name as an argument):

Code: Select all

#!/usr/bin/env perl

# block types are defined in
my %filter = qw(
	0 0
	1 3
	2 3
	3 0
	4 3
	5 3
	6 3
	7 3

my $filename = shift;

open my $input, '<', $filename or die "Can't open $filename";
open my $output, '>', "$filename.walkable.fld" or die "Can't open output file";
binmode $_ for $input, $output;
local $/;

print $output do { read $input, local $_, 4; $_ };
print $output pack 'C*', map { $filter{$_} // 3 } unpack 'C*', <$input>;

close $_ for $input, $output;

Re: Cannot move on sec_pri using map interface

Posted: 28 May 2011, 22:43
by EternalHarvest
Updated sec_pri.fld.