Usage: Packet Extraction Evaluation Kit (PEEK)

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Usage: Packet Extraction Evaluation Kit (PEEK)

#1 Post by 4epT »


PEEK - Packet Extraction Evaluation Kit designed by Yommy and Neo.

This extractor works for new files whose size is greater than 6 MB.

But the file, output, the conversion of the need for openkore!!!
SkylorD wrote:Just select the file and "Extract Lengths".

It'll create a Output Folder, with a file containing metadata for openkore :

0x0187 = 6

To use on Openkore, must:
0187 6

Keep reading to learn how to convert this metadata from extractor to be able for use in Openkore
Links: ... -analyzer/

Mini guide:
1. download PEEK
2. run PEEK.exe
3. click "Browse" and select your client file (not necessarily exe!)
4. click "Start Analyzer"
5. close PEEK
6. open folder: ..\PEEK\Output\
7. run 1.bat -> Since mediafire files doesn't contains our script?! Do this :

Download the code in the end of this post, paste in notepad, save as '' and close it. Move it to Output folder inside PEEK directory. Run it.
8. file will appear: recvpackets.txt

Script to get the clean recvpackets :

Code: Select all


use strict;
use warnings;

package iwant_myrecvpackets;

my %packets;


sub start {

sub main {
my ($message, $file, $input, $output, $files, $found) = 0;
$found = -1;
   foreach (<*>) {
   $files .= $_."\n";
   if (-d $_ && $_ =~ /^Output$/ig) { $found = 1;};
      if ($files =~ /(recvpackets.+\.ini)/ig) {
      #$message = "Type 1 from ThemonChan.\n";
      $file = $1;
      } elsif ($files =~ /(packetlengths.+\.ini)/ig) {
      #$message .= "Type 2 from MrStr3am\n";
      $file = $1;
      } elsif (substr(Win32::GetCwd(), eval (length(Win32::GetCwd()) - 6), length(Win32::GetCwd()) ) ne 'Output') {
      $message = "\nDo you have sure this file is inside \'Output\' folder?\n";
         if ($found eq 1) {         #If we aren't inside output folder, we could be on root, check for existance!
         $message .= "Please bro, move this script to \'Output\' folder! I can see it\n";
      } else {
      $message = "\nPlease, start PEEK first to extract recvpackets initial file.\nThen run this script again.\nIf you've already done it, Try asking on OK forum\n";
      } if (substr(Win32::GetCwd(), eval (length(Win32::GetCwd()) - 20), length(Win32::GetCwd()) ) !~ /([P][E][E][K]([-]?[m][a][s][t][e][r])?)|ThemonChan| {
      $message .= "Please, move this script to PEEK/Output folder!\n";
goto end if ($message);

open $input, "<$file" or $message = "Can't open the input file\n";
open $output, ">recvpackets.txt" or $message = "Can't create recvpackets output file\n";

goto end if ($message);

close_handles($input, $output);


printf("Length = %d packets\nPackets were extracted with success...\n", eval(keys %packets)) if (!$message);
printf("Errors:%d\n%s\n", eval($message && 1), $message) if ($message);
return 1;

sub close_handles {
my ($dw1, $dw2) = @_;
return 1;

sub read_lines {
my $file = shift;
my ($lines, $packetid);
   while (<$file>) {
   $lines = $_;
      if ($lines =~ /0x(0...) = ((-)?\d+)/ig) {
      undef $packetid;
      $packetid = uc($1);
         if (!exists($packets{$packetid})) {
         $packets{$packetid} = $2;
return 1;

sub get_output {
my $file = shift;
   foreach my $value (sort keys %packets) {
   print $file "$value $packets{$value}\n";
return 1;

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Please help with recvpacket, tried PEEK.

#2 Post by Astranagun »

Good day!
If it is possible could anyone help me with extracting recvpacket with this client: ... ragexe.exe
I tried with PEEK but the error "No match found in Length Table" came out, I haven't been able to find a solution for this, so I hope someone could help me with it.
Thank you much for your help!
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Re: Please help with recvpacket, tried PEEK.

#3 Post by SkylorD »

Yeah is possible using PEEK. I've extracted here.
Read again the topic explaining the PEEK edit the original file. Maybe you're hooking the edited file by peek and not the original. ^^

Try again !

I wish you good luck.
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Re: Please help with recvpacket, tried PEEK.

#4 Post by Astranagun »

I'm pretty sure I chose the right one, I even downloaded a fresh client and tried with the same error, could you take a look at it? And if it is possible, could you provide me with the recvpacket? That would be great, thanks.
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Re: Please help with recvpacket, tried PEEK.

#5 Post by SkylorD »

PEEK edit your original exe. The original exe now is called :


Now you need to rename the file and please, to be sure the PEEK won't open your client, do a copy of your exe and move for your desktop. Now use the PEEK in your desktop/original.exe or the old name.your filename but not erased your computer name. Read the topic again (PEEK).
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Re: Please help with recvpacket, tried PEEK.

#6 Post by Astranagun »

SkylorD wrote:PEEK edit your original exe. The original exe now is called :


Now you need to rename the file and please, to be sure the PEEK won't open your client, do a copy of your exe and move for your desktop. Now use the PEEK in your desktop/original.exe or the old name.your filename but not erased your computer name. Read the topic again (PEEK).
Thank you for a quick answer, I read the topic many times, probably because I did something wrong without knowing it. The last time I used Openkore was 4 years ago, in any case let me describe you what did I do:

1 - I browsed to my server .exe file and opened it with PEEK.
2 - I pressed on Start Analyzer, PEEK backup my original .exe with backup_byPEEK.exe name(this is my original .exe), and also created an additional ws2_pp.dll.
3 - I started my MODIFIED client by PEEK, logged into my account, PEEK detected the sent and receiving packets fine, until I choose a character and log into the game, then the error jumps out.

Now I'm unsure what I should do in this case, should I delete the modified .exe, rename the original .exe and try again with it, or something else, I have read the topic but can't really understand what I should do.
If it is possible let me know what I should do, thank you for your patience!
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Re: Please help with recvpacket, tried PEEK.

#7 Post by SkylorD »

I started my MODIFIED client by PEEK, logged into my account, PEEK detected the sent and receiving packets fine, until I choose a character and log into the game, then the error jumps out.
Now i see.
Don't need to do this step. You just need to click in "Start Analyser". You can close now.
And you'll notice in your PEEK folder a new folder called "Output" was created. Open it and check the file recvpackets_somenumbers.ini

For example, if you will play in your servers, you need to open the BACKUP file instead of "ORIGINAL". Sometimes you can receive some errors or get a wrong info.
You should trash the modified file. And rename the backup file, because this is the original.
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Re: Please help with recvpacket, tried PEEK.

#8 Post by Astranagun »

Thank you for answer, I see, but since I've got Packet Tokenizer Unknown Packet 082D problem I presumed it was because of the invalid recvpacket, but it should be good.
If it is OK could you take a look at my configurations?
This is my server info:
This is my recvpacket:
Thanks again!
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Re: Usage: Packet Extraction Evaluation Kit (PEEK)

#9 Post by onionkute »

I still get Packet Tokenizer: Unknown switch: 082D error, can you please help me to check it? This is the client, thank you. ... 1/vSRO.exe
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Re: Usage: Packet Extraction Evaluation Kit (PEEK)

#10 Post by 4epT »

onionkute, show your recvpackets.txt
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